GUIDE1 | Getting Started with KAKEIBO, the Excel Home Budget Tool

KAKEIBO PRO and KAKEIBO LiGHT are household account books created in Excel. The main operations involve text input and button clicks, making it easy for anyone to manage household finances. These tools use VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) to automate processes.

First, you will need to configure the file to enable macro execution. This guide provides the settings for executing macros and offers basic knowledge about the tool.

Language: English Japanese

1. Download File

After completing the purchase process from the online store, you can download the file. Please save the file in an appropriate location after downloading. You can rename the file without any issues.

2. Settings to Execute Macros

When you open an Excel file containing a macro obtained from the Internet, the macro will be blocked, and a security risk message bar will appear, as shown below. (Excel for Windows)

Click on Enable Editing.

If you click on Learn More, you will be directed to the Microsoft page with instructions on how to unblock macros.

Block Macros

In recent years, there has been an increase in malicious attacks using VBA macros. Therefore, to help improve security in Office, Microsoft has changed the default behavior of Office applications to block macros in files from the Internet. This change only affects Office on devices running Windows and the following applications: Access, Excel, PowerPoint, Visio, and Word. The change doesn’t affect Office on a Mac, Office on Android or iOS devices, or Office on the web. For more information, see the Microsoft article below.

How to unblock macros

To unblock macros in a file, such as one from the internet or an email attachment, remove the Mark of the Web on your local device. To unblock macros, follow these steps:

1 Right-click on the file and select Properties from the context menu.

2 Select the General tab in the Properties dialog box.

3 Select the Unblock checkbox and click OK.

3. Starting KAKEIBO

Double-click the file to launch KAKEIBO. This tool is an Excel file containing macros that automate processes. When you open a file with macros, the following security warning message will appear. To enable macros, follow these steps:

Excel for Windows

On Excel for Windows, the following SECURITY WARNING message will appear. Click Enable Content to proceed and avoid the popup reappearing in the future.

Excel for Mac

On Excel for Mac, the following message will appear. Click Enable Macros to proceed.

4. Closing KAKEIBO

To close the tool, click the Close button in the upper right corner of the Excel screen.

5. KAKEIBO Sheets and How to use

When you start the tool, the dashboard shown below will appear. You can navigate to the target sheet by clicking the menu on the sidebar.

A Main menu (The Account Management function is available only in PRO.)

B Navigate to the data entry sheet for income and expenses

C Open the OLIVENNE site:

5-1. KAKEIBO Sheets

The tool consists of the following sheets.

Main Menu Sheets PRO LiGHT
TOTAL Budget
M-Trend A
M-Trend B
ACCOUNT Credit Payment
Credit Reconcile
Bank Balance
SETTINGS Bank Accounts
Credit Cards
Income Items
Expense Items
Regular Spending

5-2. How to use KAKEIBO

The main operations involve text input and button clicks, making it easy to use without requiring Excel skills. Tasks such as adding, deleting, sorting data, and aggregating entered data are all performed automatically.

A Return to the home page (DASHBOARD)

B Navigate to the data entry sheet for income and expenses

C Add, delete, or sort data

D Turn on or off the filter function

E Show or hide the columns for foreign currency

6. Notes for Using Tool

File Backup

The Excel file may be corrupted for various reasons. To prepare for unexpected issues, back up your files regularly.

In case of a problem occurs

If problems occur, such as a system error message appearing, the tool not functioning properly, or an inability to save the file, refer to the troubleshooting page for instructions on repairing the file.




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